46701 Commerce Center Drive, Plymouth, MI 48170 810 599 7286
The Source for Chemical Coatings Consulting

Automotive Paint for Aggressive Environments

Engine Coating

Some portions of the automobile must be coated with paint that offers a variety of unique long life performance attributes including resistance to harsh chemicals such as fuels, oils and hydraulic fluid, and also offer resistance to stone chipping, road salts and moisture in a variety of forms. Lastly, such coatings must also be conductive so the build-up of static electricity does not cause volatile materials to ignite.

Since there was no such coating on the market, especially a water born coating, Chemical Dynamics developed and patented this coating for use on fuel filler tubes, fuel lines and other components of cars requiring these properties. This technology named Infinicoat was one of a handful of PACE Award finalists among several hundred contestants in recognition of the value and innovation that this product brought to the automotive industry. Infinicoat is currently used on multiple domestic model cars.